Sunday, October 4, 2009

Time has Flown By

Oh my goodness... I have really neglected my blog. I'm going to try and keep this us as an incentive for me to get back to painting and a schedule. If I can wean myself from this computer for awhile. Normally, I just check eMails, etc... but now I have found Facebook and a bunch of the games on there. You would think an almost 62 year old would not like the games... but NOT.... I do enjoy them.. so I'm making time to do a few. I just can't let them take over... LOL.

Annetta and I have a show in November, so we have to get off our tush's and start painting. Hopefully, I can post pictures here so it will motivate me to paint more. Hope it won't be 3 months next time when I post... LOL....