Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eventful day Yesterday!

My husband, Rocky, and I were working on the pool yesterday and finally figured out after all kinds of trying to get it clean... we had just messed up by not doing it sooner!! That's the story of our life sometimes... LOL.... But, we decided to try one more thing... a power washer... so we got ours out of the garage.. and it wouldn't start. Rock remembered this happened one other time and that they sent us a part. It was a new plug. So Rock went about cutting and splicing the cord. He came in and said "it won't work". We forgot about that for now, because he had a doctor's appointment for a place on his lower back that was hurting him. We went to Dr. Shimotsu (whom we have been going to for about 13 years now) and it was an abcess. So - right then and there, she decided to cut it open. Well... after all that was done, we had to go get prescriptions, etc. and he's to see her again today. We didn't get home until about 7:00 and then I hi-tailed it back to HEB to get prescriptions. We watched American Idol and part of Lies and then went to bed. I had to do all those "nurse" things...take out packing, pack it back in... and bandage him back up. He couldn't sleep on his back last night. And... he goes to see the Doc again at noon today. I hope she approves of my nursing skills!! I don't do that very well.. I can't stand a needle even... I don't watch when I get a shot. So - this was a test in fortitude for me. Must love that man!!

Anyway - planning on having a great day today....after the doctor.. it looks like I'm finishing up the pool!! Anyone want to come and help?

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